Friday, October 25, 2013

Upper airway resistance measurements with the flexiVent

While the flexiVent is typically utilized to assess the mechanical properties of the lower airways, it can also be used for accurate measurements of nasal obstruction. As previously reported in respected scientific journals1-3, this approach provides a means to reliably and directly assess upper airway resistance in disease models.


Similar to respiratory mechanics measurements of the lower airways, the flexiVent uses the forced oscillation technique to deliver a small amplitude test signal to the upper airways. Nasal resistance is then derived by the operating software from the pressure-flow relationship as described in the Single Compartment Model. At the moment, these measurements are described in allergic rhinitis pre-clinical research, one of the most common allergic diseases worldwide affecting people of all ages.

Our customer service team is happy to provide additional details or discuss how these measurements may compliment your research application. We invite you to contact us at [email protected] for further information.

Read more

1. McLeod et al. J Pharmacol Tox Methods 48: 153, 2002
2. Miyahara et al. J All Clin Immunol 116: 1020, 2005
3. Miyahara et al. J All Clin Immunol 121: 718, 2008

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Respiratory Care week!

It's Respiratory Care week! Thank you RRTs and all of those involved in Respiratory Care! Take time this week to spread awareness, support people living with respiratory conditions and educate yourself about preventive measures.

Read more at the AARC website:

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

We would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian customers and colleagues. May you all have a wonderful long weekend with your family and friends.

Please note that our Montreal office will be closed on Monday October 14th for this holiday. Our SCIREQ USA office will remain open and you can reach us at 514.286.1429 or 877.572.4737 (toll-free in Canada & US) or by email at [email protected] and [email protected].

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Are e-cigarettes safe?

"E-cigarettes have become a billion dollar industry, with one in five North Americans trying the product1". However, the question of how safe the battery operated devices are still remains unanswered even a decade after the product entered the market. The main reason for that is that there is insufficient research available to conclusively determine its long term safety on the user and environment. That situation could however change since researchers can now effectively and reproducibly study the impacts of e-cigarettes using the inExpose system.

inExpose Application

E-cigarettes of various dimensions can easily be integrated to the inExpose system to generate and deliver an unparalleled number of reproducible exposure profiles applicable to in vitro as well as in vivo studies. We invite you to watch the video below that showcases, from generation to delivery site, an example of how exposure to e-cigarette mist could be experimentally conducted.

The inExpose system is a computer-controlled, compact inhalation exposure system that offers turnkey solutions for aerosols, cigarette smoke, atmospheric pollutants or test compounds. It features a low-internal volume construction to minimize unintentional dilutions, thereby allowing for rapid achievements and changes of desired test atmosphere concentrations.

To find out how the inExpose can help you advance your research, please contact one of our dedicated team members toll free at +1.877.572.4737 or by email at [email protected] .

1Hermiston, & Steele (2013). How safe are e-cigarettes? CTV British Columbia Retrieved from