Monday, July 23, 2018

FASEB’s Lung Epithelium in Health and Diseases conference

SCIREQ is proud to sponsor FASEB’s Lung Epithelium in Health and Diseases conference which will take place from July 29th to August 3rd, 2018 in St. Bonaventure, NY. The scientific research conference will bring together leading scientists and junior researchers to discuss the latest findings in the field of lung epithelium biology. 

The conference program touches on various respiratory ailments, disease models and novel research techniques, including:

  • Mucociliary transport in cystic fibrosis (Michael Welsh, University of Iowa)
  • Lung development and regeneration (Jeffrey Whitsett, Cincinnati Children’s; Bernard Thébaud, University of Ottawa)
  • Neuroendocrine Hyperplasia of Infancy (Lisa Young, Vanderbilt University)
  • Disease modelling with organoid culture systems and cryopreserved human lung slices  (Xingbin Ai, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Barry Stripp, Cedars-Sinai)
  • Genetics and Genomics of Lung Diseases (Steve Rowe , U.of Alabama; David Schwartz, U.of Colorado)
  • And many other topics

Conference website: 

We look forward to talks, poster sessions and new collaboration opportunities that will emerge from the FASEB event.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) after 50 years – BPD Symposium at Stanford

A momentous symposium was held at Stanford university last year to commemorate the 50th anniversary since the original description of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) was first articulated1 by Dr. William Northway and him team in 1967. 

This symposium, which was attended by several leaders in the field, was held as a platform where researchers could come together and highlight the progress that has been made to date, along with discuss future perspectives. 

The event was divided into 5 sessions with keynote presentations provided by speakers who have made noteworthy contributions in the field of BPD. We are proud to say that amongst such speakers were Dr. Bernard Thébaud, Dr. Rory Morty and Dr. Rob Tepper, who gave very informed and thought provoking lectures during the symposium, are active users of our SCIREQ systems!

We would like to extend our Thank You to all investigators who constantly strive towards making new strides in this field of preclinical pediatric research.

Learn more about how SCIREQ’s solutions can be implemented into your research needs or how our instruments are being utilized to study Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

1Northway et. al. Pulmonary Disease Following Respirator Therapy of Hyaline-Membrane Disease — Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, N Engl J Med 1967; 276:357-368