The conference program touches on various respiratory ailments, disease models and novel research techniques, including:
- Mucociliary transport in cystic fibrosis (Michael Welsh, University of Iowa)
- Lung development and regeneration (Jeffrey Whitsett, Cincinnati Children’s; Bernard Thébaud, University of Ottawa)
- Neuroendocrine Hyperplasia of Infancy (Lisa Young, Vanderbilt University)
- Disease modelling with organoid culture systems and cryopreserved human lung slices (Xingbin Ai, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Barry Stripp, Cedars-Sinai)
- Genetics and Genomics of Lung Diseases (Steve Rowe , U.of Alabama; David Schwartz, U.of Colorado)
- And many other topics
Conference website:
We look forward to talks, poster sessions and new collaboration opportunities that will emerge from the FASEB event.