Monday, July 22, 2013

Learn how the inExpose can help refine your experiments

A compilation of recent publications featuring our inhalation exposure system, the inExpose, was recently brought together into an Application Note.

Reading through this note, you will gain a better understanding of how and where our system was used, including cigarette smoke, aerosol, air pollutant exposures, etc. Like the flexiVent, the inExpose is a sophisticated, precision scientific instrument that can bring additional standardization to critical intervention processes. As exemplified in this Application Note, both instruments can even be used in combination to address various research questions.

Click here to download the Application Note and learn how you could positively impact your research reproducibility and efficiency.

Fahmy et al. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 29: 173, 2010 (with permission).

Monday, July 8, 2013

Are you using the full power of your flexiVent?

A recent book chapter by Dr. J.M. Hartney and SCIREQ's own Senior Scientist Dr. Annette Robichaud features airway hyperresponsiveness assessment in mice using detailed measurements respiratory mechanics.

The chapter, published in Methods in Molecular Biology1, respects the 30 year tradition of the well-known book series of providing detailed step-by-step protocols supplemented by notes offering protocol related advice or tips.

While this article is primarily directed at researchers new to the field of respiratory mechanics, we invite anyone interested in airway hyperresponsiveness or detailed measurements of respiratory mechanics to read it. Click the book cover image for full details.

1Edited by Irving C. Allen, Mouse Models of Allergic Disease, Methods and Protocols.


We are proud of this contribution and want to offer the possibility to the 10 first readers of this blog to get a free copy of this book. To enter the contest, simply e-mail us your name, organization name and mailing address at [email protected].